When most people hear the term flat roof they automatically associate it with a strip of roof over their garage. However, there are many more variations on this theme. The flat roof mentioned above is just one example of a flat roof and there are other variations that do not have the standard rectangular shape. In fact, you will find variations that look more like a U shape or even an L shape. If your home has been built before and you are looking to install a new flat roof or are looking to change the existing flat roof to one that is different from the one you have there are some things that you should know before you begin.


The type of flat roofing system you have will have a lot to do with the types of incidences that you will experience with it. For instance, a flat roof that is flat does not provide any kind of protection against severe weather unless it has been designed specifically to do so. Extreme temperatures can cause damage to a flat roof. If you live in a region where heat is prevalent, you should think about another type of roofing system. This is especially true in the winter months when the roof may not be able to handle the increased temperatures.


In addition to inclement weather, another problem you may run into is a lack of. It has been found that a lot of commercial buildings suffer from a lack of energy efficiency because of poor roofing construction. The problem is that many do not realize that the cost of having a flat roof over their commercial building is much more than the actual cost of having the roof repaired or replaced. If you add up all of the costs that you will incur during repairs and replacements you will quickly see how a poor roofing construction can affect your bottom line. If your business depends on maintaining a high level of energy efficiency, hiring a company that is skilled in flat roof membranes is one of the best investments you can make for your business.


Flat roofing membranes are made from a composite of materials that give you the protection of a flat roof while at the same time improving your commercial building’s energy efficiency and its overall efficiency. These special roofing membranes come in a variety of different configurations and are specially designed to provide maximum water resistance and durability in all types of weather. Some are better than others, however. You have to choose the best membrane that will work best in your area. To help you with your selection, here is a look at a few of the most popular flat roofing membranes on the market today:


One of the most popular types of roofing materials used on residential homes and commercial buildings around the world is the asphalt shingle. This is a very durable, cost effective, and versatile type of roofing material. However, it is a common type of roofing material used on industrial buildings due to its strength, fire retardant properties, and water resistance. It is commonly used as a main component in industrial and commercial building structures, such as garages, parking structures, warehouses, and other structures that require extensive protection against water damage and strong winds.


A bitumen roof is a solid membrane made out of a mixture of natural clay and asphalt tar. This type of flat roofing system can provide superior protection against both hail and snow. Although they are a bit pricey compared to other flat roofing systems, this type of system is well worth the price. They last anywhere from ten to thirty years, so they are an investment you should not pass up.


One of the most reliable materials to use when protecting your business or home from high winds is asphalt shingles. These roofing materials are effective at repelling wind and damaging hail, which makes them a great choice to use on the roof of any structure exposed to these weather elements. Although they can cost up to three times more than asphalt shingles, this particular type of roofing system can provide up to three times more protection. Not only will this type of protection to keep your home or business protected against hail, but it can also save you hundreds of dollars in repairs.


Another type of green roof that can be used on your flat roof is a gravel roof. It is also effective at preventing wind and rain damage to your home or business. However, a gravel roof does have its disadvantages. Although it does provide superior protection, they can be quite expensive and are not suited to all situations. Although this type of roof can cost anywhere from one hundred thousand dollars to over five million dollars, it is definitely an investment you should not overlook. So, if you are looking for the best roofing material for flat roofs, consider a gravel roof instead.
